A global financial investment powerhouse.

We continue to grow each day thanks to the confidence our clients have in us. We cover many industries such as financial, cryptocurrency, hemp blockchain, plastic blockchain, NFT's, and Forex.
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Providing the best portfolio results for investors having a managed account.


We started out small, with just a few people and a small office, but today we have offices in multiple countries.
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We offer product diversification. That means that we split every investment in Trading, Mining, Real estate and...
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Trade with a tested and trusted internally-developed strategy that ensures steady influx of profits.
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UPPER ECHELON Goldbuster bot

Cloud Mining

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Arbitrage Bot

Career Opportunity

Trading Bot

Trading Bot

Cryptocurrencies are known for being incredibly volatile, with prices fluctuating dramatically even in the space of minutes. Investors also have the opportunity to take part in cryptocurrency trading around the world and at any hour of the day.

Combined, these factors limit the effectiveness of human cryptocurrency trading in several ways. First, investors in many cases cannot react quickly enough to changes in price to achieve the optimal trades that are theoretically available to them. Slowdowns in exchanges and transaction

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We are happy to have you in our community and cannot wait to have you on board!!!

"We pride ourselves in delivering a technology that you won't find anywhere else. We are enabling "smaller" investors to finally get involved in the online money trends and have real success."

Through the development of our fully automated trading software and a record low price in maintenance, we've consistently delivered out-standing results. And we are committed to continuing to do so far into the future. It is finally possible to get involved in these highly complex and highly profitable markets, without any expertise of your own.

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NFT stands for non-fungible token.

It's generally built using the same kind of programming as cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin or Ethereum, but that's where the similarity ends. Physical money and cryptocurrencies are “fungible,” meaning they can be traded or exchanged for one another.

The NFT market had a breakout year in 2021, and there's still heightened interest in this digital asset class.

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How To Invest In ETF

Exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, are an easy way to begin investing. ETFs are fairly simple to understand and can generate impressive returns without much expense or effort. Here’s what you should know about ETFs, how they work, and how to buy them.

What is an ETF?

An exchange-traded fund, or ETF, allows investors to buy many stocks or bonds at once. Investors buy shares of ETFs, and the money is used to invest according to a certain objective. For example, if you buy an S&P 500 ETF, your money will be invested in the 500 companies in that index.

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...in three simple steps


Create an account on our website using your email address and mobile number.


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Why is UPPER ECHELON Investment different?
We offer product diversification. That means that we split every investment in Trading, Mining, Real estate and Master Nodes. Therefore we have stable and long-term results, our algorithms guide us towards profitable paths.

Account & Investment

Where can I register?
You can register on the homepage by clicking on the ‘GET STARTED’ button.
Does the registration cost anything?
Registration is free of charge, we also offer a signup bonus to welcome every new member.
How may I make a deposit?
To make a deposit, login to your portal, choose your preferred investment and fill in your desired deposit and follow the outlined payment instructions.